Monday, May 9, 2011

the fabric plastic bag... again!

I posted a wee while ago about making reusable shopping bags in the shape of a plastic bag, and have recently submitted it as a business proposal as part of my course at polytech!

Here is another prototype, this time made from white cotton with a screenprinted paper doily and the words "i'm good to the earth"

I would love to get the chance to produce some for sale, though free time is lacking at the moment already...

 might have to fit it into a project somewhere :)

Thursday, May 5, 2011

design portfolio

As part of my course at Polytech I have created an online portfolio showcasing bell.n.whistle alongside some of my other design works:

 feel free to take a look :)

Monday, May 2, 2011

doily bow

So I still haven't got round to making bunting from doilies but I did make this gorgeous bow last night! Secured with a ribbed black ribbon, all it needs now is to be attached to the clip :)

I have more bows on the way so keep an eye out...